Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Reasons to call

There are several reasons for calling a bet or raise, summarized below.

  • To see more cards: With a drawing hand, a player may be receiving the correct pot odds with the call to see more cards.
  • To limit loss in equity: Calling may be appropriate when a player has adequate pot odds to call but will lose equity on money contributed to the pot.
  • To avoid a re-raise: Only calling (and not raising) denies the original bettor the option of re-raising.
  • To conceal the strength of a player's hand: If a player has a very strong hand, he might small call on an early betting round to avoid giving away the strength of his hand on the hope of getting more money into the pot in later betting rounds.
  • To manipulate pot odds: By calling (not raising), a player offers any opponents yet to act behind him more favorable pot odds to also call. For example, if a player has a very strong hand, a smooth call may encourage opponents behind him to overcall, building the pot. Particularly in limit games, building the pot in an earlier betting round may induce opponents to call future bets in later betting rounds because of the pot odds they will be receiving.
  • To set up a bluff on a later betting round: Sometimes referred to as a long-ball bluff, calling on an earlier betting round can set up a bluff (or semi-bluff) on a later betting round.

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